My name is Samir Ranjan Basu. I write in a variety of topics (internet, finance, banking, travel, domestic household, etc. especially in health related articles). Right now I am doing online marketing business for my living. I have a sense of humor; I live life in my imagination as much as humanly possible.
I love all types of art: painting, writing, movies, cooking. I have painted so many artistic painting in my college life, writes poems and Bengali folk songs, watching good movies, can recipe delicious Indian (Bengali dishes). I also have always been a sports nut, either playing or watching. My favorites are: table tennis, football, and cricket. Basketball.
My favourite hobbies are writing and painting now I started writing for triond (Article publishing site) last August 2010.
My interests are quite varied. They include health related, internet, household, financial, literature, travel and many more, so my writings will mostly be about them. I would really appreciate your comments on my writings. You can go thru' the all my articles by a click on S R Basu in left side (Top on the Title). Besides that you can search your best things through displaying advertisements based on my articles. If you having writing skill you can sign up in Triond to publish your articles and earn revenue.
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If you interested to read my articles and take some essential guidelines and knowledgeable tips for yourself and your family members. Here is my some Knowledgeable Article.
Refined Torture, Diet & Nutrition
You come across so many people today who are fighting weight problems and dealing with disorders like high cholesterol, insulin imbalance, and polycystic ovaries and so on. The list is endless, but what is interesting about this is that these disorders are all intimately linked to hyper-responsive insulin.
Why does the insulin hyper-respond? Because it responds to a flood of refined food-related release of extra sugar in the system, and this is the basis of many ills today. But to understand this, you need to know how your system functions in response to food.
Let’s take the simple life cycle of wheat. In its natural form, a grain of wheat has carbohydrates, some proteins and many vitamins and minerals enmeshed throughout its body, including the skin that also has fibrous content.
Best Way Calorie Controlled Diet Plans
Have you ever wanted to know about calories, but didn’t know where to look? – try to maintain the following guidelines to keep calories under your control!
What is a Calorie?
A unit of energy means a Calorie that measures the amount of energy contributed by food to your body. A calorie is also understood as a measure of energy produced when food is being processed during metabolism in the body.
Good Calories v/s Bad Calories
Good calories are contributed by foods that give you energy as well as nutrition, e.g. a big guava contains 100 calories, but it also stores minerals and vitamins. A small packet of potato chips, on the other hand, will give you 200 calories but no essential nutrients.
Birth Defects During Pregnancy
To prevent birth defer CTS start eating a routine wise healthy diet – awareness to mom!
Is your body trying to tell you something? You are managing a healthy diet and you feel virtuous. Then you get pregnant and suddenly you’ve got a ferocious urge to eat chips, chocolate, sour foods—may be even weird things like chalk or coal.
Dietitian says that “There’s no evidence that cravings indicate nutrients you are deficient in, though some women may crave foods hey subconsciously think are healthy for the baby, such as fruit or milk.” Pregnancy can also dull the senses, which may explain cravings for sharp, sweet or sour foods. Urges to eat non-foods, such as soil or coal, may be about the crunchy texture; try munching ice cubes instead. As far as “bad” foods go, moderation is the watchword, says dietitian. And it’s OK to eat chocolate every day as long as it isn’t a big bar.
Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast Cancer: be alert – find your family history from mom & dad for protects yourself!
If your mom or her sisters never got breast caner, you don’t have to worry, right? Wrong. You’re just as likely to inherit the BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations, the biggest genetic predictors of the disease, from Dad’s side of the family. Having the mutations means you have a 50% chance of getting breast cancer before age 50. So ask Dad about his family history and if your doctor doesn’t bring it up, make sure you do.
Exercise for your Heart
Exercise is not only good for health. It also makes you feel good.
Physical inactivity is linked to about one-fourth of deaths from major chronic diseases. It is more prevalent among women than men, and among older than younger adults. Unfortunately, even in the US about 25 percent of adults report no physical activity at all in their leisure time.
Why do we need exercise?
Exercise strengthens our muscles and preserves the mobility of our joints. It helps the function of the lungs and improves circulation. It reduces the chance of heart attack. In diabetics, it controls blood sugar. Regular exercises help to reduce weight, prevent constipation and make you sleep better. It also relieves stress and depression. Most importantly, it not only keeps one fit, but also makes one feel fit.
How active should one be?
Being more active will mean different things to different people. It depends on your age, lifestyle and associated medical conditions. The first step should be to ascertain whether you currently do at least 30 minutes of ordinary physical activity (such as walking) in the course of one day. If you find you enjoy being more active, then you can gradually step up your activities.
Saga of Specialisations (Management)
Do not restrict yourself to your own area because during slowdown you may be forced to multi task, effective Management involves a lot of interaction.
Today, the world is passing through an age of “super Specialisation”. MBA programmes are no exception to this trend and are coming up with new specialisations every other day. Most MBA students across the globe play it safe by selecting one of the traditional specialisations like Finance, Marketing or Human Resource Management. One of the main reasons for this is they do not fully investigate the diversity of specialisations out there, and that’s a great shame because only once a student knows the full range of MBA options can they select the one that best fits their career goals.
Superbugs – What is the remedial way to stopping the Superbugs!
Here are 4 Action Points for governments and drug companies, healthcare providers and individuals in the fight against superbugs (“A Bacterium Insect, which has developed resistance to Antibiotics.”).
1. Aggressive Hospital Controls: Hospitals must improve basic infection-control measures like the use of gloves and gowns around high-risk patients. In a method called “search and destroy,” every hospital patient is tested for infection. Many European countries have managed to keep its MRSA rate at one percent, compared to more than 60 percent in United States.
2. Individual Action: Superbugs can occur outside hospitals too. Protect yourself with common-sense measures—wash your hands regularly, cover your month and nose when sneezing, don’t share toothbrushes and razors. Don’t use a antibiotics except as prescribed by a registered physician Don’t pressure a doctor for an antibiotic.
Oral Cancer is extremely dangerous and disfiguring
Oral Cancer is extremely dangerous and disfiguring. Its incidence in India is relatively high than other Asian countries.
Regarding Oral Cancer in India, some physician of a well known hospital, decided to get the white patch investigated especially given their patients having tobacco-chewing habit. Recently started using a new technology for early detection of cancer. Called a “brush biopsy,” it involves a special brush that digs deep, yet painlessly, into tissue to obtain cell samples. The cells are then sent to a specialized lab for testing.
When the results came, the white patch was benign, but the dot was clearly malignant. With laser therapy, patient’s cancerous cells were immediately removed, thus saving their lot of pain, major surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
With its breathtaking mountain views and soft, powdery snow, it isn’t surprising that Gulmarg offers the greatest skiing on earth.
Some weeks ago, I travelled to Gulmarg to go skiing. While I had researched the skiing on the Gulmarg websites, I had no idea about the wonderful surprise that lay waiting for me. Nestled against the Great Himalayan range of Jammu and Kashmir and only an hour’s flight from Delhi, lies some of the greatest skiing on earth. Gulmarg hosts a large variety of skiing terrain, from gentle slopes for the first-time skier to backcountry that challenges experts with vast experience.
Corporate call
Tips for working women.
Don’t try too much too soon. Just as you are looking around and weighing people up, you are under constant observation as well. Never forget that. Just like in that much-loved sting anthem, every breath you take, every move you make, they will be watching you – and judging you. So, don’t make waves that could engulf you and your fledgling career. Keep your head well below the balustrade or you may end up having it blown off.
That means no brown-nosing the boss, no sucking up to seniors, no getting too familiar with colleagues, no spending hours gossiping at the water cooler in ostensible bonding sessions, no making eyes at that hunk in the next cubicle, no long personal calls on your mobile.
And for God’s sake, stay off those computer games. You may not have a whole lot on your plate as yet, but there’s no need to let the rest of the office in on the secret, Act busy and purposeful even if you have nothing to do for the moment.
It’s playtime folks!
Five games that promise that non-stop fun fix for gaming addicts.
That the Sony PlayStation 3 is a killer media console in undeniable, even to its toughest critics. Replete with multimedia niceties, the PS3’s ace-up-its-sleeve has always been the excellent Blu-ray player, which more than outdoes stand-alone players with its versatility. Oh, and did I mention the minor fact that this console also plays games!
Now, anyone who complains that the PS3 doesn’t have enough games to justify its existence needs only to look at this list we’ve compiled to realise their folly. Each of these games provides hours of non-stop entertainment, and more than justify their somewhat hefty price tags! If you’ve been tentative about going out and investing in games for your PS3, this is the best place to start!
Stress - A new epidemic we can all fight – try to boost your tress-busting life!
Make TRESS work for you. How you respond to stress will depend on how you rate your resources, both internal and external in response to that crisis. If you perceive you have the resources to cope, your stress level may not increase.
Have you ever watched someone who thrives under stress? You know the ones: Where you see a crushing workload, they see an exciting challenge. Where you see a scary path into uncharted territory, they see an adventure.
Maybe they know that at least part of the solution to beating the negative impact of stress—which can cause weight gain, heart disease, depression and anxiety—is in how you cope with in. “The absence of stress is boredom, so some stress is desirable and while stress that is too intense is rarely going to be positive, there are positive ways that you can deal with it.”
Gift with a Thought
It’s not the amount of money you spend that matters, but the amount of time you put into deciding on it.
Valentine’s Day was never a part of my growing up, so I have no real experience of dealing with the angst that comes with it. So, there was no question of worrying about how many cards or presents I would get on that day (and whether my best friend did better on that score). I didn’t have to cope with the possible humiliation of not having a date on the night in question and having to sit in solitary splendor in front of the television, drowning my sorrows in endless cups of hot chocolate.
Most of all, I didn’t have to navigate the potential minefield that is present-giving and receiving. But going by the tales that my younger-friends, cousins and nieces tell me, this is one thing that is nearly impossible to get right.
What if you give your boyfriend an expensive watch and all you get in return is a bunch of visibly wilting flowers? Have you inadvertently shown that you care too much? Does this mean that he doesn’t care at all? What if you give him a box of chocolates because you haven’t been going around that long and he gives you a gold bracelet that must have put a serious dent in his bank account? Are you just cheap or is he jumping the gun?
Keep Your Feet Healthy
Give Your Feet What They Need – Here Some Essential Ways to Make Your Feet Perfect.
First thing you should find a shop whose staff is knowledgeable about the way feet work. Buying good-quality, a breathable leather shoe is a start. Sweaty feet can cause more than just smelly shoes. Remember, our feet contain a high concentration of the body’s sweat glands (500 of them per square centimeter). So, prevention is the Key.
Don’t pound the pavement in any old shoe. The right exercise footwear will prevent a plethora of problems. You must match your shoe to your exercise. Walking on the street or cross-training. Runners should look for hard soles to sustain vigorous use. If you play squash, look for grip laid out in circles for multidirectional movement.
Moreover, anyone exercising for five hours a week or more should change shoes yearly because the shock-absorption compartments and grip will wear and you’ll lost stability and control. Remember; never put shoes in the washing machine. It breaks down fabric and softens plastic. Scrub or hose them down outside.
Office is fun
Microsoft has changed the rules of the game with its newest offering.
Another Microsoft Office release? What more can Microsoft do with a word-processor-spreadsheet-presentation-e-mail-client package that hasn’t already been done? I can almost hear you say that. Truth be told, that was my initial reaction too!
Turns out, there’s a surprising answer to that seemingly yawn-inducing question. Microsoft has not released yet another Office version with a slightly modified user interface and slightly improved features; instead, it has headed back to the drawing boards. The result – Microsoft Office 2007 – is a productivity suite that changes the rules of the game. It’s a huge six right out of the park.
Premature praise? Not really – Office 2007 applications sport a radical and innovative new user interface, completely refuting the perception that productivity applications were staid, dull and mature. The new ‘ribbon’- based interface isn’t just nice to look at, it offers very real access for most Office users to make better use of the suite (given the obscure statistic that Office users only use up to 10 per cent of its features).
DNA diet
Nutrigenomics offers the hope of losing those extra pounds without the struggle.
Are you on a dieting spree? Do you keep your eyes firmly shut to avoid the sight of crispy finger chips and caramel custard? Do you shun every morsel of food that might be fattening and full of calories? Yet those stubborn extra pounds refuse to melt away? Here’s a lip smacking proposition: how about losing those extra pounds without starving yourself? Isn’t that every dieter’s dream?
Today, scientists and some nutritionists say that isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. In fact, an entirely new school of thinking is being built around the field of nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics argues that different people have different food types that suit their genes.
It is very important is to know what food type is in harmony with your genes and what is not. This is where a nutrigenomics diet comes in since it tailors your diet according to your gene structure.
Best Foot Forward
Your feet bear the entire weight of your body for almost as long as you are awake. That’s good enough reason to take care of them.
SNIFF, SNIFF. Smell something fishy? Chances are you do – your own feet. Whether you wear closed shoes or open sandals, there’s no escaping the fact that your feet tend to get rather icky at times. Not just smelly, but unsightly as well, thanks to cracked heels and patches of hard skin.
You could have a well-maintained face, but the true test of good grooming lies in the hands and feet – areas that you might think are not important, but actually are.
If you are a professional, especially in the field of client servicing or public relations, you are not only expected to be thorough with your work but also thorough with your grooming. Head of a public relations outfit. Which means the cracked heels and chipped nail polish are absolute no-nos. So what do you do?
Healing, the alternative way
With modern life style bringing in so many complications, stressed city-dwellers have resorted to several unconventional therapies.
Till recently, alternative healing was restricted to homoeopathy and Ayurveda. Therapies such as Pranic healing, ray therapy and reiki are becoming popular. These therapies, supposedly free from side-effects are gaining popularity, because of complexities rising from the lifestyle problems in today’s world.
Diet Tips for Moms to be
When Women are pregnant, the word “diet” goes beyond weight loss and into nourishment. Since pregnancy is a natural phenomenon, there isn’t much to worry about. However, here are some useful tips.
1. Check with your doctor about the kind of vaccinations you have had and what may be required.
2. Avoid pickles and sugary foods as they make the system acidic.
3. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day. It has been proved that active women suffer far less difficulty during labor.
4. Increase your intake of multi-vitamins through natural means. Eat more fruit and drink vegetable juice. Eat five small meals a day instead of three heavy ones.
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